Matching articles for "Azmiro"
In Brief: Azmiro — A Single-Dose Injectable Formulation of Testosterone Cypionate
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • March 17, 2025; (Issue 1724)
The FDA has approved Azmiro (Azurity), the first
injectable formulation of testosterone cypionate to
become available in single-dose vials and prefilled
syringes for treatment of males with...
The FDA has approved Azmiro (Azurity), the first
injectable formulation of testosterone cypionate to
become available in single-dose vials and prefilled
syringes for treatment of males with conditions
associated with a deficiency or absence of endogenous
testosterone. Injectable testosterone cypionate has
been available in multidose vials (Depo-Testosterone,
and generics) for many years. Testosterone enanthate
(Xyosted) is available in prefilled autoinjectors for use
in adult men. No testosterone products are approved
for treatment of low testosterone levels due solely
to aging. All testosterone products are classified as
schedule III controlled substances.